Balkan Fury 3 ~ Magazin urbane kulture » id='fb-root'/>

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Balkan Fury 3

Balkan Fury 3
Agencija Fresh, u saradnji sa kancelarijom za mlade i MTV televizijom, sa ponosom predstavlja treću ediciju takmičenja „Balkan Fury” - nezvanično Balkansko prvenstvo.


30. mart, početak u 21h

Lokacija: klub Divljina ( Dorćol,preko puta okretnice tramvaja i zoološkog vrta)

Hip Hop battle 1 na 1

Upad: 300din, kotizacije se NE plaćaju.

Postoje 8 izabranih (“The Great 8”), za ostalih 8 plesača se traži kroz predstavljanje (preselection).

Svaki plesač ima 30sec na dj mix.

Trenutni “The Great 8” (čekamo potvrde dolaska za preostala dva plesača):

1.Ante a.k.a Fantasia (Cro)
2.Zmikatz (Srb)
3.No.On3 (Srb)
4.Roman (Slo)
5.Suzana Suz (Cro)
6.Shoki (Srb)

Sudije: U.K. (Nemačka), Oomoo (Francsuka), La tina(Hrvatska)

DJ: Me-High-Low

Prijave za battlove poslati na mail:

Nagrada: Diamond kard za SDK kamp,besplatne sve radionice na kampu,plus prevoz i smestaj.
Oficijelni sajt SDK kampa:

After party je posle takmičenja i počinje u 00:00h

DJ: Me-High-Low i njegov poznati Mash-up.
NAPOMENA: Maloletnim osobama nije dozvoljen ulaz na after party-u.

Na after-partyu će se održati booty shake battle
Nagrada: 50eur + vaučer za pića od kluba.

Napomena: Svi koji dolaze van Srbije, a potreban im je hostel sa 50% popusta, mogu da me kontaktiraju na

31. Mart

Početak: 11:30h

Lokacija: OŠ “Skadarlija”, Francuska 26


10:30h do 12:00h La Tina (Waacking, House) - 10eura

12:00h do 13:30 U.K (Hip Hop) – 20 eura

13:30h do 15:00h Oomoo (Hip Hop) – 10 eura

NAPOMENA: Ako pohađate sve tri radionice, cena je 30 eura ili ako je grupa veća od 20 članova iz istog kluba onda je cena 25eura za sve tri radionice.

Prijava za radionice na

Napomena: Postoji ograničen broj ljudi, što znači preko 50 ljudi ne primamo
zbog uslova za kvalitetan rad.

Bboy Battle:

Lokacija: Palace Šumadija,Turgenjeva 5

(Prva autobuska stanica na banovom brdu posle jezera Ada ciganlija)

16:00 h do 17:30h BBOY battle 2 na 2
Kvalifikacije: bira se 8 ekipa koje se priključuju “Great8”.

Sudije:Margy a.k.a Fuego (Bug)
Domagoj a.k.a Blind (Cro)
Željko a.k.a Wish (Ser)
Ukay seven a.k.a U.K(Ger)

Nagrade: 160 eura i plaćen put za SDK kamp.

Dj: Moka a.k.a Amok

17:45 Showcase

Takmičenje za najbolji Show.
Kategorija: slobodan stil
Takmičari u formaciji od 5 do10 plesača ili plesačica.
Svako donosi svoj mix u trajanju od maksimalno 4min.
Kotizacija po ekipi : 10 eur
nagrada za prvo mesto 300eur.ako se prijavi manje od 5 timova takmicenja nece biti.


Super Sale (Cro)
La tina (Cro)
Staša DF(Ser)
Edi (Ser)
Oomoo (Fra)

18:30 Proglašavanje pobednika za najbolji show.
18:40 Osmina finala break
19:40 Finale Bboy's battle-a
20:00h Dodela nagrada i kraj manifestacije.

After party u klubu Divljina.

DJs : Iron i Work'e (Funk,break beat,hip hop,regge,d.n.b...)

1. april.

13h do 15h.
Lokacija: OŠ “Skadarlija”, Francuska 26

Bboy radionice:
Margy a.k.a Fuego (bug) - 10euro
Domagoj a.k.a Blind (cro) - 10 euro

Cena je 15 eura ako pohađate obe radinoce

SDK EUROPE CAMP & BATTLE - The world's most prestigious street dance summer meeting in the heart of.
SDK EUROPE CAMP & BATTLE - The world's most prestigious street dance summer meeting in the heart of Europe. Workshops of top world lectors, dance legends from USA, Japan, France,...famous and well-known choreographers. Battles of of the best freestylers & national teams of world!

English version

Fresh Agency, in cooperation with the Office for Youth and MTV television, is pleased to announce the third edition of the competition "Balkan Fury" - unofficially Balkan Championship.


30th March, beginning at 21h

Location: Club Wild (Dorćol, across from the tram and the zoo)

Hip Hop battle 1 on 1

Entry fee: 300din, registration fees are not paid.

There are eight elected ("The Great 8"), the other 8 dancers are required through the presentation (preselection).

Each dancer has a 30sec to dj mix.

The current "The Great 8" (waiting for confirmation of the arrival of two other dancers):

1.Ante a.k.a Fantasia (USA)
2.Zmikatz (Srb)
3.No.On3 (Srb)
4.Roman (Slo)
5.Suzana Suz (Cro)
6.Shoki (Srb)

Judges: U.K. (Germany), Oomoo (Francsuka), La tina (Croatia)

DJ: Me-High-Low

Applications for the battl send mail to:

Reward: Diamond Card SDK for camping, all free workshops at the camp, plus transportation and housing.
Official site of the camp SDK:

After the party after the competition starts at 00:00 h

DJ: Me-High-Low and his famous mash-up.
NOTE: minors are not allowed into the after party-in.

At the after-party will be held booty shake battle
Prize: 50Euro + voucher for drinks from the club.

Note: All those who come out of Serbia, and they need a hostel with 50% discount, can contact me at

31st March

Start: 11:30 h

Location: Elementary School "Skadarlija", France 26


10:30 h to 12:00 h La Tina (Waacking, House) - 10 EUR

12:00 am to 13:30 U.K (Hip Hop) - 20 euros

13:30 h to 15:00 h Oomoo (Hip Hop) - 10 euros

NOTE: If you attend all three workshops, the price is 30 euros, or if the group exceeds 20 members from the same club then the price 25eur for all three workshops.

Registration for the workshop on mail:

Note: There are a limited number of people, which means over 50 people we do not accept
the conditions for quality work.

Bboy Battle:

Location: Palace Šumadija, Turgenev 5

(The first bus stop on the hill after Ban's lake Ada ciganlija)

16:00 h to 17:30 h on 2 BBOY battle 2
Qualifications: 8 teams are selected to be connected "Great8".

Judges: Margy a.k.a Fuego (Bug)
Domagoj a.k.a Blind (USA)
Željko a.k.a Wish (Ser)
Ukay seven a.k.a U.K (Ger)

Prizes: 160 euros and paid the way for the SDK camp.

Dj: Moka a.k.a Amok

17:45 Showcase

Competition for Best Show.
Category: free style
Competitors in the formation of 5 to10 dancer.
Everyone brings their mix for a period of up to 4min.
Entry fee per team: 10 eur
prize for first place 300eur.ako apply less than 5 teams of the competition will be.


Super Sale (Cro)
La tina (Cro)
Staša DF (Ser)
Edi (Ser)
Oomoo (Fra)

18:30 Declaring the winner for best show.
18:40 Eighth-finals break
19:40 Finals Bboy's a battle-
20:00 pm Awards and the end of the event.

After party at Club Wild.

DJs: Iron and Work'e (Funk, break beat, hip hop, Regge, dnb ..)

First april.

13h to 15h.
Location: Elementary School "Skadarlija", France 26

Bboy workshops:
Margy a.k.a Fuego (bug) - 10EUR
Domagoj a.k.a Blind (eng) - 10 euro

Price is 15 euros if you attend both radinoce

SDK & BATTLE CAMP EUROPE - The world's most prestigious street dance summer meeting in the neighborhood.
SDK & BATTLE CAMP EUROPE - The world's most prestigious street dance summer meeting in the heart of Europe. Workshops of top world Lectors, dance legends from USA, Japan, France, ... famous and well-known choreographers. Battles of the best freestylers of & national teams of the world!

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